Women’s Ministry

…that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:12


Ladies’ Bible study

Join us Tuesdays at 7p. We will be focusing on the practice of Prayer.

Ladies’ Garden Party

Ladies of all ages are invited to attend the Ladies’ Garden Party hosted by the GHC Women’s Ministry. Join us for an enchanted morning of lively conversation, tasty treats, and flavored teas. If you would like to help, please see Jan Frost or Annie Mears. Be sure to invite a friend!

women’s conference

Interested in a conference designed for ladies of all ages and walks of life? Come join us as we explore how God MADE US FOR MORE because of our creation design, gospel identity, and inter-generational friendship. Registration is OPEN. Click the graphic for more information.

WM Leadership team

Leader: Jan Frost

Co-Leader: Sharon Mora

Secretary: Laura Northrop

Care & Concern: Drew Arnold & Barb Freed

Social Coordinator: Annie Mears

Communications: Stacey McMahan